Messy Church

We regularly run messy church session in St Michael’s hall, or in St Michael & St Wulfad’s Church.

Our previous session include the The Lost Coin, Handling our worries, John the Baptist and Palm Sunday & Easter.

Posters are put up before each session, and both Pirehill and St Michael’s school are notified. Messages are also posted on our Facebook group.

What is Messy Church?

Messy Church is a form of church for Children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. Each session we explore different Bible stories or themes in a variety of fun and interactive ways. The sessions usually start with the children (and adults!) participating in various crafts and activities which help us to use our imaginations to engage with the story or theme.

This is followed by the telling of the Bible story that we are exploring, together with some songs which we all sing along to whilst making a noise with the musical instruments. This often includes a little bit of silliness!

We then sit down together and enjoy a meal, before ending in a time of thankfulness.

Everybody is welcome.