Contact Us

Ministry Team

The benefice is currently in vacancy.

Rev’d. Jim Cartlidge (Curate)07770 098766

Fr John Cotterill (Associate Priest)- 07734 815838

Mr Dennis Abbott (Lay Reader) – 01785 814134

Mrs Lin Davies (Lay Reader) – 01889 505094


Regardless of the church in which you wish to be baptised, please come for a coffee and a chat after our 10.45 service at St Michael’s.


Please email Jenny at or come along to a session.


Please email Isabelle Newton in the first instance.

St. Michael & St. Wulfad, Stone

Churchwarden: Nichola Abbott – 01785 814134
Churchwarden: Paul Evans07976 611543
Treasurer: John Baddley on 01785 860296
Bell Ringers: Peter Burgess (Tower Captain) – 07921 944841

St. Saviour’s, Aston

Churchwarden: Mary Babb – 01785 812921
Churchwarden: Kath Lanyon – 01785 814065
Treasurer: Paul Gerrard on 01785 818363 


For all safeguarding queries for please contact one of our safeguarding officers.

St Michael & St Wulfad : Nichola Abbott – 01785 814134
Aston S.Saviour: Lucinda Wright – 01785 819226

Parish Magazine

Would you like to subscribe to our Parish Magazine? Tower and Spire is just 30p/edition or £2.50 annually for 10 issues.

If you are interested in subscribing please contact Berwyn Babb on 01785 812921.

If you have an article or content for the magazine please email it to